The life now of the “werewolf” girl who was once world famous for her face full of hair

In 2010, Supatra Sasuphan (Bangkok, Thailand) began to become widely known when she was recognized by the Guinness World Records as the “hairiest girl in the world”.

Supatra suffers from Ambras syndrome – a congenital skin disease caused by a genetic mutation, causing excessive body hair growth on the face, ears, back and limbs. The disease is so rare that only 50 cases have been recorded worldwide since the Middle Ages.

The life of the little girl "werewolf" Once world-famous, what is it like now? - Photo 1.

Supatra Sasuphan (also known as Nat) was born on August 5, 1999 in happiness mixed with fear of his parents – Mr. Sammrueng Sasuphan and Mrs. Sompon Sasuphan.

“When I gave birth, the doctor said she had a lot of hair. I thought it was normal until I saw her in the incubator. I was shocked because I didn’t expect her to be so hairy,” Mrs. Sompon cried when told.

The life of the little girl "werewolf" Once world-famous, what is it like now? - Photo 2.

“My wife wanted to leave the hospital, but the doctor held her back because she was afraid she would abandon our daughter. I told the doctor that my husband and I would never leave our child no matter what happened. We saw lucky that you came to the family,” Mr. Sammrueng, Sasuphan’s father, recalled.

The life of the little girl "werewolf" Once world-famous, what is it like now? - Photo 3.

Not only did he have unusually long fur when he was born, Supatra also couldn’t breathe because his nostrils were only 1mm wide. 9X had to undergo 2 surgeries and was raised in an incubator for the first 3 months of his life. Supatra was only discharged from the hospital when he was 10 months old.

“When the neighbors first saw Nat, they asked me what crime I had committed. I was very worried that she would grow up and be teased by other children,” Mr. Sammrueng shared. He added that when he was young, Supatra was as mischievous as other children his age, except that his teeth grew slowly and he could not see clearly because his fur covered his face.

The life of the little girl "werewolf" Once world-famous, what is it like now? - Photo 4.

Sadly, Supatra’s “werewolf syndrome” currently has no cure. Even the most viable method – laser treatment – cannot stop hair growth.

Because he was born with an unusual appearance, Supatra Sasuphan faced many difficulties in integrating with people around him. Many people mocked and despised her.

The life of the little girl "werewolf" Once world-famous, what is it like now? - Photo 5.

However, Supatra always tries to keep a positive attitude and does not let difficult circumstances determine her life. After 10 years, the little girl who once amazed the world is now an adult and is still a testament to the extraordinary will to live and overcome fate.

The life of the little girl "werewolf" Once world-famous, what is it like now? - Photo 6.

The 22-year-old girl makes many people happy when she is not afraid to share intimate moments with her boyfriend on her personal page. Every month, Supatra updates pictures of the two to celebrate the beginning of their love. Supatra’s boyfriend seems to love and pamper his girlfriend when he often gives sweet words to his other half on social networks.

The life of the little girl "werewolf" Once world-famous, what is it like now? - Photo 7.

In 2018, 9X couldn’t hide her happiness when she loved another guy. It is known that this was her first love when she was 17 years old. At that time, she decided to shave off all her facial hair so she could confidently appear next to her lover. Now, Supatra is completely comfortable with her natural face when going out, going to school or being with her new boyfriend.


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